Saturday 21 November 2015

       Now let me show you Sungai Mambong Fall,Tunoh River ,Kapit.

     Besides that,you can also do jungle trekking

                                                                Mambong Hill     


Friday 20 November 2015

Kapit are my hometown.We visit  Kapit every year usually to celebrate Gawai Dayak and Christmas with our big family.I am from Kuching,Sarawak and it takes about 10 hours to travel from Kuching to  reach Kapit's town.At Kapit town there is not much interested things you can actually do.But if you travel to Ulu Kapit,there are a lot of activity you do.For example,jungle tracking.Okay before that let me show you where Kapit is .
Let me give you the idea how to travel to kapit.First,from Kuching to Sibu you can actually drive that will takes about 8 hours you can use flight for about 45 minutes i guess?Then,from sibu to kapit have to use boat,no choice.It will take 4 hours to reach Kapit.This is the boat that i was talking about..It cost RM50 per person depends on the seat you choose.The seat has category just like aeroplane.I can hardly remember but the seat are in many categories

And to travel from Kapit Town to Ulu Kapit,We can also use this small bat or the big boat.

This is Plagus Resort at Sungai Batang Rajang ,Kapit.It takes about 3 hours from Kapit Town.

Besides that,there is a river that is Sungai Balleh,Kapit where you can go for fishing.
At Sungai Balleh or Sungai Katibas where you can go fishing for 'Empurau' .Empurau is a freshwater fish which is native in Sarawak, and has its habitat in clean/clear fast moving streams. This fish has tender and rich textured flesh with special aroma which is mainly due to its special diet of ‘Buah Kabang’ or Engkabang Usually, At fish market people sell 'Empurau'  for Rm600 to Rm700 for 1 kilogram and at least Rm6000 for 1 whole body 'Empurau' fish.